DIY Tips for HVAC Maintenance and Repairs

Stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer – that’s the goal for every New York homeowner. A well-maintained HVAC system plays a crucial role in achieving that goal. Here are some easy do-it-yourself tips for HVAC maintenance you can perform in between regular inspections from the experts at Tropical Heating & Cooling.

1. **Regularly Change Your Air Filters:** This is one of the easiest maintenance tasks you can perform on your system. A dirty filter can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC and ultimately increase your energy bills. It’s recommended to change your filter every 60-90 days. However, if you have pets or suffer from allergies, it might be beneficial to change it more frequently.

2. **Inspect the Thermostat:** Over time, the thermostat can become uncalibrated, causing your HVAC to work harder than it should. If you have an older, mechanical model, you may consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat. Keeping the temperature consistent can significantly decrease wear and tear on your system.

3. **Inspect and Clean your Outdoor Unit:** Over time, debris can build up around your outdoor unit and cause your HVAC to work harder. Ensure that the area around your unit is clear from leaves, branches and other debris. Additionally, clean the coils on the exterior of your unit using a hose. Remember to shut off the power before doing so!

4. **Keep Vents Clear:** Make sure your home’s vents aren’t blocked by furniture or other items. This will allow air to circulate freely and ensure your HVAC system operates at its best.

5. **Insulate your Home:** Proper insulation will help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Check the insulation in your attic and walls, and seal up any drafts around windows and doors.

6. **Listen for Strange Noises:** If you hear any unusual noises coming from your HVAC system, it could be a sign of a larger issue. Contact a professional immediately if this is the case.

Remember, while these tips are helpful for general upkeep, expert repairs and installations should be left to the professionals. At Tropical Heating & Cooling, we service Niagara Falls, NY, Grand Island, NY, Lockport, NY, North Tonawanda, NY, Tonawanda, NY, Amherst, NY, Williamsville, NY, West Seneca, NY, Lewiston, NY, Pendleton, NY, and Wheatfield, NY.

For regular maintenance, expert HVAC repairs and installations in the areas mentioned above, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Keep your system running smoothly all year round with these simple tips and the professional services of Tropical Heating & Cooling.

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