Weighing Down on Weight Loss

Ever noticed how your jeans shrink in the wardrobe? Odd, right? We all know it’s not the dessert, the snacking, or the netflixing (okay, maybe a little). But wait! Core Progression Personal Training‘s got a weight loss program designed for such mystery jeans shrinkers. And we’ve got locations in Boulder, CO; Downtown Denver, CO; Northglenn, CO; Arvada, CO; and now, Austin, TX.

Turning Couch Potatoes Into Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Remember feeling mortal when you couldn’t lift that gallon of milk from the bottom shelf? That’s not your destiny anymore, with our athletic and personal training! Standing up from a sitting position is going to feel like sloth mode when you start deadlifting and bench pressing like a champ.

Pain In The… Err… Neck, Maybe?

Are those aches and pains just not leaving you alone? Maybe they like you a little too much. Or maybe you need our top-notch physical therapy services. From humble limps to grand winces, Core Progression Personal Training is your one-stop-shop for walking straight again.

And remember, if your jeans still feel snug, then they’re just hugging you tighter!

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