A Vibrant Day in the Life at Perryman Painting and Remodeling

Morning Huddle

The day starts with a crew huddle at our Rocklin headquarters. Our team of skilled professionals gathers to discuss the day’s projects, which could range from a residential interior painting job in Granite Bay to a commercial remodeling project in Roseville.

On the Road

After the huddle, our crews load up their vans with all the necessary tools and supplies, and hit the road. Along the way, they might stop for a quick color consultation with a client who’s having trouble deciding on the perfect shade for their kitchen remodel in Lincoln.

On the Job

  • For an interior painting project, our team starts by carefully preparing the space, covering floors and furniture, and ensuring proper ventilation.
  • For a commercial remodeling job, the day might involve demolition, framing, electrical work, and coordinating with other trades like plumbers and HVAC technicians.
  • Exterior painting projects require meticulous preparation, including power washing and caulking, before our team can begin applying the fresh coats of premium paint.

Client Satisfaction

Throughout the day, our crews remain focused on delivering exceptional workmanship and customer service. We take pride in transforming spaces and exceeding our clients’ expectations, whether it’s a vibrant new look for a commercial building or a stunning kitchen remodel that breathes new life into a home.

As the sun sets over the Rocklin skyline, our teams wrap up their projects, clean up the job sites, and head back to the office, ready to tackle another day of bringing beauty and functionality to the communities we serve.

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